

Students seeking an endorsement in special education will major in 特殊教育 with a focus in Elementary 特殊教育 or Secondary 特殊教育. Your focus will drive the courses you take for certification, 你的第二背书课程, as well as placements during your student teaching. Basic requirements for certification are the same and listed below, but the certification courses vary based on emphasis.

了解更多新萄京在线这所学校的信息 使命、愿景和结果.


华盛顿 state requires that teacher candidates pursing an endorsement in 特殊教育 also earn a second endorsement in a content area. 

特殊教育 majors will work with the certification advisor to develop a plan of study for earning a second endorsement. 

Please make an appointment with the certification advisor as soon as possible to begin working on this plan. 通过电子邮件预约 soe-cert@thehomecosmos.com 或者在前国有企业办公室 彼得森大厅 300.

For a complete overview of the Residency Teacher Certification Program, visit the 教育学院.


The following Foundations prerequisites apply to EDU 2300. 

All Foundations courses must be passed with a 3.0 (“B”) average and no grade lower than a 2.0 (“C”).


  • 官方承认 对SPU.
  • 二站 (45学分).
  • 仅限学士学位以上学生: Passing score on the 华盛顿 state basic skills test (WEST-B), 华盛顿 state educators' endorsement test (WEST-E/NES), and transcript evaluation by the 教育学院.


These courses may be taken independently of each other and the professional quarters. Courses must be completed prior to Methods quarter. 看到 教育学院 欲知详情.

学生必须至少获得2个学分.0的绩点 (“C”) in all 方法与技能课程 to be recommended for certification.


Methods quarter is offered only Autumn Quarter. GPA不低于2分.0 (“C”) is required in all methods courses


  • 成功完成 基础课程要求达到3分.0 (“B”) average and no grade lower than a 2.0 (“C”).
  • 高级站 (135学分).
  • 验收 特殊教育专业.
  • Applied to the Residency Teacher Certification program and admitted 教育学院的项目.
  • 最小累积3.0的绩点 or 3.在过去的45个学分中有3个.
  • 获得两个有利的推荐 来自SPU教职员工.
  • Pass ENG 3301, or both WRI 1000 and WRI 1100, 至少有2个.0的绩点 (“C”) 或更好的 (if admitted to the University autumn 2012 or later).
  • Pass MAT 1560, MAT 2561, MAT 3562, and EDRD 2000 with a 2.0 (“C”) 或更好的.
  • 指纹 并且完成了住院前的检查.
  • 的文档 meeting the 国有企业 preferred scores on the basic skills tests (reading, writing 和数学). 官方 华盛顿 教育工作者技能测试-基础(WEST-B)SAT或ACT成绩是必需的.

  • 采取适当的 华盛顿 Educator Skills Test – Endorsement (WEST-E/NES) 为赢得的每一个认可. SPU should have official passing scores by 学生学年的9月1日. 


You must take 综合实习宿舍 sequentially in the same academic year (offered winter and spring).

最少3个.0的绩点 (“B”) is required for 特殊教育 Internships A and B.

Integrated and Internship prerequisites include:

  • 成功完成 of the 方法25 with no grade lower than a 2.0 (“C”)
  • Completion of 15 upper-division 特殊教育 credits.
  • 保持3.0累积绩点 或者是3.在过去的45个学分中有3个 throughout both quarters.
  • 官方及格分数 在适当的时候 华盛顿 Educator Skills-Endorsement (WEST-E/NES) 测试(年代). 
    • SPU should have official passing scores by September 1 of your student teaching year. 官方及格分数s must be received by SPU before students will be given permission to register for Integrated Quarter.


For major application requirements for 特殊教育: Elementary Emphasis or Secondary Emphasis, 看到 特殊教育专业页面.


SPU’s Undergraduate Teacher Certification Program meets the educational requirements for certification in the state of 华盛顿. Each state has different professional licensure and certification requirements. 资格 for certification/licensure may involve more than degree completion and may include professional examinations, 背景调查, 和指纹. The requirements for certification/licensure can change without notice.

The state professional licensing boards make the ultimate decision as to whether or not an individual will be eligible for licensure based on the rules and regulations in place at the time the individual submits their application for licensure. 在这里查找信息 about certification/licensure in the state where you intend to teach.


Find out when the education courses that you want are offered.


特殊教育 in the 教育学院

访问 特殊教育 at SPU’s 教育学院 to see how you can begin to educate youth, 实现你的目标, 让世界有所不同.



建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.