Satisfactory Academic Progress

As a person receiving financial aid, 你必须在大学保持良好的学术地位,并在你的预期学位目标方面取得令人满意的进展.

Satisfactory progress


  1. 维持最低累积平均绩点(GPA)
  2. 在允许的最长时间内完成学位
  3. 以最小的累积速度完成学业.

联邦, 在春季学期结束时,国家和机构援助每年都会对令人满意的学术进展进行审查. SAP的要求对所有接受经济援助的学生都是一样的,无论他们的入学水平或学习项目如何, unless stated differently

Grade Point Average (Qualitative)

规定要求所有学生保持最低GPA,以确保他们完成学位. This is referred to as a qualitative measurement.

  • Undergraduate Students are required to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA, which is evaluated annually. Students who do not achieve a 2.在达到要求的GPA之前,累计GPA为0的学生将没有资格获得未来的经济援助. (注:奖学金获得者可能需要更高的最低GPA. 参考 Grant and Scholarship Limitations and Renewal page for specific renewal criteria.) 
  • Graduate and Doctoral Students are required to maintain a cumulative 3.平均绩点为0,每年评估一次(神学院学生除外,他们的平均绩点为2.5 GPA requirement). Students who do not achieve a minimum 3.在达到要求的累积GPA之前,累计SPU GPA为0的学生将没有资格获得进一步的经济援助.

Maximum Time Frame

法规要求完成学位的最大时间框架. 最长时间为课程公布长度的150%. This calculation will include any transfer credits.

Pace (Quantitative)

规定要求学生以至少67%的速度完成学位. 这个完成率是由学生获得的学分数除以学生在每个学年结束时尝试的学分数来确定的. 完成所有尝试学分的67%以下的经济援助接受者将没有资格获得继续的经济援助并被停职. 学生将没有资格获得进一步的援助,直到完成足够的学分,使学生回到合规.

每一个被接受的转学学分都将被视为一个尝试的学分和一个完成的学分. 计算的百分比将四舍五入到最接近的满学时. 完成学分被定义为获得a级的课程, B, C, D, or P at the end of the academic term. E级, W, G, I, or N do not receive any credit; therefore they do not count as completed credits each quarter.

如果学生在被列入SAP后有成绩变化, 学生有责任通知学生辅导员成绩的变化,并要求重新计算他们的资格.

A student may repeat a course for credit twice. Repeat credits are counted the same as other courses. 一旦课程重复,第一次尝试将显示尝试时数,但不显示获得时数. The second attempt will reflect as attempted and earned. 这反映在最大时间框架和速度计算中.


学生有责任了解上述“学业进步满意”政策. SFS will notify students who become ineligible for financial aid due to lack of satisfactory progress; however, it is the student's responsibility to monitor progress.

Consequences of unsatisfactory progress

没有保持令人满意的学业进展(最低GPA)的学生, completed credit requirements, 并且在最长时间内完成学位)将没有资格获得经济援助.

Options for Reinstatement of 援助

  1. 学生可以提交令人满意的学业进步申诉,见申诉.
  2. 学生在没有获得经济援助的情况下上课并支付学费和其他费用,并且在下一个季度末在课程作业中表现良好,以满足SAP的要求。. 一旦他们开始满足SAP的要求,财政援助将恢复.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal

学生有权对其获得经济援助的资格提出上诉. 因特殊情况(亲属死亡)提出的书面上诉, illness or injury of the student, 或其他特殊情况)应提交给学生 financial services counselor. 请注意,一些经济援助计划可能有不同于上面列出的要求. 

Results of appeals

如果令人满意的学术程序上诉被批准,学生将处于试用状态. 将通过电子邮件通知学生,并将其列入学术计划(如果需要)。, financial aid will be reinstated, 他们的学业进展将按季度进行评估,直到他们再次达到SAP的要求.

If a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal is denied, 学生将通过电子邮件收到通知,并提供其他付款方式. The student's status will remain in Suspension.

Academic Dismissal from SPU

A student who is academically dismissed may not receive further financial assistance; this includes federal, state and institutional aid. If an academically dismissed student is re-instated, 他们必须符合67%的尝试学分(包括转学学分)和/或累计GPA为2.00 (cumulative) or above, 或者在再次获得资助之前,被SFS委员会批准参加学术计划.